
Saturday Pat and I were going to go fishing. Gram was planning on staying with the kids so that we could have the day out on the water by ourselves. Well, us and Dick, that is.

However, the weather report looked terrible for Saturday with crazy wind and seas, so fishing didn’t happen. Instead we had a slow day at home, catching up on cleaning, shopping and relaxing. It was just what we needed.

On Sunday, the weather was great, so we headed out. Bella wanted to come too, which surprised me, as fishing isn’t her favorite thing. But if she wanted to go, we weren’t going to say no. Gabe has been talking about fishing for awhile, so I was sure that he’d want to come. But when I asked if he wanted to go fishing or spend the day with Gram, he decided that “I want spend the day with my Gram.” So instead of fishing, he went to church, fed the ducks, visited the fish hatchery and took a super long nap.

The other three of us spent the day on the boat with Dick and Gramps and I think it’s safe to say thatvwe had a much more relaxing day than we would have if we’d brought Gabe with us...

We had the perfect day on the water. The water was like glass, it was super warm (bordering on hot...) anf we ended up with 5 salmon. Does it get better than that???

(Yes, Bella needs a life jacket. I thought she was good at 12. The troopers told us it was actually 13, so she stayed inside for the rest of the trip rather than wearing her life jacket on deck.)

It was pretty much a perfect day on the boat.


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