Pat’s Birthday

This weekend was my dear husband’s birthday. He doesn’t really care much about birthdays, but I think that’s ridiculous and choose to celebrate anyway.

On Saturday night, we got dressed up and went out to dinner. I don’t have any pictures of us because apparently I only take pictures of the kids anyway. But even though we have no pictures to prove it, we still had a lovely dinner and it was nice to be away just the two of us.

Sunday was his actual birthday. I hadn’t had the chance to get the kids to sign the card, so when Gabe got up, I told him to come into my bedroom. Then I told him that it was Daddy’s Happy Birthday and he got so excited that he immediately tried to run out the door to tell Daddy Happy Birthday. Luckily the door was shut, so I could keep him inside. I gave him the card and a pen and he spent 10 minutes coloring all over Dad’s card, while saying “J P M O...” He doesn’t know which letter is which, but he knows what letters are.

Gabe spent the rest of the day randomly yelling out “Happy Birthday Daddy!” It was pretty great.

Sunday was also Gram and Gramps’ anniversary. We went to their house after church and as we got out of the car, I told Gabe to say Happy Anniversary. He got excited again and as soon as he saw Gram he yelled “Happy Birthday Anniversary!”

I put Gabe down for a nap at my parents. Bella was downstairs playing and the rest of us were getting ready to play a game. He’d been down for 20 minutes or so when suddenly he came running down the hallway, all proud of himself. Then when I wasn’t as proud and instead asked what he was doing out of bed, he burst into tears, devastated that I wasn’t impressed. To be fair, he did climb out of his bed, put Roy (the stuffed dog) on Gram’s nightstand and opened the door all by himself. It was impressive. But instead I put him back to bed and he slept for two hours...

Overall, it was a nice quiet day to celebrate Pat’s birthday and my parents anniversary.


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