A Very Strange Week...

This was one of those weeks where nothing went like planned...

We started out Monday morning by completely forgetting Bella’s dentist appointment. I dropped her off at school and was a few minutes down the road when the dentist called. Opps. I turned around, picked her up and got back to the dentist only a half hour late. I sent Bella in and then tried to get Gabe out of the car, but I couldn’t find his shoe anywhere. I searched the car and it was nowhere. I finally just took the other one off and carried him in to the dentist. 

After Bella was done, I drove her back to school...where I saw Gabe’s shoe on the side of the road. When Bella had opened the door to give Gabe a goodbye kiss the first time I took her to school, the shoe had fallen out. Luckily it was a croc, so other than being a little dirty from being on the side of the road, it was fine. Apparently it was a good thing I’d forgotten the dentist appointment or we never would have found the shoe...

On Tuesday night I picked up Gabe at school and they told me that Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease was going around the school. Lovely...

This is probably a good time to mention that Gabe has been a cranky mess for a week. He’s had a bit of a fever, but nothing crazy. He’s also been cutting two molars, which is what I assumed the fever is from. But I haven’t been able to figure out what’s going on with the crankiness. Tired? Hungry? Teething? Sick? Some new unpleasant developmental phase? No idea. I was going for the “wait and see” approach.

On Wednesday morning I took him to school. As I was pulling him out of the car I noticed a spot on his hand. Hand Foot and Mouth. Lovely. I took him to school because I wanted to verify that it really was what I thought it was. Also, I had a meeting in 30 minutes at work. I figured that I could just take Gabe to work with me and set him in front of Youtube during my meeting and then take him home. However, I knew that one of the ladies in my meeting was pregnant. She’s still early, so I wasn’t sure if it was common knowledge. Also, I didn’t know if she could be around Hand Foot and Mouth. I asked the director and she told me that if only had one spot and no other symptoms, then he was fine and she wasn’t going to make him go home. Kids get spots all the time. Crisis averted. (Although Hand Foot and Mouth definitely explains the last week’s crankiness and the fever.)

I spent all day waiting for a phone call from daycare, but they never called. However when I picked him up, he had spots all over his hands and his thighs. He also looked completely miserable and they told me he spent all day crying for me. I’m not sure why they didn’t call me...

Thursday I just planned to stay home with him. However, he didn’t act sick. The spots were better and he acted just fine, only slightly off. He even insisted on washing the windows for me, which I certainly wasn’t going to say no to.

Thursday night, Pat needed to grind concrete off of the floor underneath the tile entryway. The plan was for Gabe and I to go hang out at Gram and Gramps’ house, away from the noise and the dust, while Bella used the shopvac to help Dad control the dust. However, that plan fell apart and I ended up helping Pat. Gabe was devastated and only felt better when I promised him he could snuggle on Mommy and Daddy’s bed with all his stuffed animals and watch Blippi, his favorite show.

Meanwhile, Pat and I got to grind concrete, which made a huge mess everywhere.

By bedtime, the spots on Gabe’s thighs were gone and his hands were better, so I decided he was good enough to go to school on Friday. He was also back to his pleasant self.

Friday night Pat and I had to finish the concrete, so we ended up going to McDonalds and then letting both kids watch a movie on the ipad. They both thought it was wonderful. Meanwhile, Pat and I worked our tails off and removed all of the concrete. It was just how every 20-something plans their Friday nights...

And that is the story of my crazy week. Today I spent the day cleaning up the huge mess, but that’s a story for another day.

But here are a few more pictures from the week. Gabe put Doggie in one of his lunch containers and thought it was hilarious.

And here is Gabe, Daddy’s Little Helper, cleaning up the yuckies using “Daddy’s Little Broom.”

And me and my sick little boy, watching Blippi.


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