Bryson’s Birthday

Last week was Bryson’s birthday. We talked about this a lot, as birthdays are very important to Gabe. I’m definitely not going to get away with the family birthday party we had when he was two. I’m sure I’d hear about it all year...

Anyway, since he’s back in Arizona, Gabe and I went to the store to buy Bryson a present. I figured that we’d get something small, like a helicopter just like Gabe’s purple helicopter. Um, no. Gabe was convinced that he needed the giant firetruck that makes noise and shoots water. I’m pretty sure that my sister is going to complain, but I decided that all little boys needs a giant firetruck, so that’s what we got. Bella wanted to get him a stuffed turtle, but I couldn’t find one. I asked Gabe what Bella would like to get for Bryson and he picked the fishie. So we ended up with a firetruck and a fishie.

Then we had to put it in the mail, which required some interesting conversations about the fact that the mailman was going to put the firetruck on the airplane and then put it in Bryson’s mailbox. It’s a very confusing concept...

Also confusing is the fact that we had to do this a week before Bryson’s birthday. Man, life is just confusing...

Then on Bryson’s actually birthday, we decided to facetime. I think the boys were happy to see each other....

And Gabe only yelled “Happy Birthday Bryson!” about 15 times...


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