My Sweet Little Boy

My little boy is the absolute sweetest.  Last night we were out playing basketball on the back deck when his basketball fell off and went into the rocks.  He went down to get it and noticed the "yucky grass" (weeds) and suddenly decided that we needed to pull it all out.  He even yelled at me when I tried to pull a weed, saying "No, no Mommy.  I do it." I was allowed to get him a bucket to put his weeds into, but that was about it.

Then he proceeded to pick all of the weed flowers (buttercups) in the grass and hand me a bouquet "Here you go Mommy!"

And then I spent the rest of the night singing Five Iron Frenzy's Dandelions.

In a field of yellow flowers underneath the sun
Bluest eyes that spark with lightning, boy with shoes undone
He is young, so full of hope reveling in tiny dreams
Filling up his arms with flowers right for giving any queen

Running to her beaming bright while cradling his prize
A flickering of yellow light within his mother's eyes
She holds them to her heart keeping them where they'll be safe
Clasped within her very marrow, dandelions in a vase

She sees love where anyone else would see weeds
All hope is found, here is everything he needs

The boy definitely loves his daddy too.  Gabe and I were in the car driving home and talking to Daddy on the bluetooth.  Pat and I finished the conversation and hung up.
G:  I didn't get to say goodbye to Daddy.
M: Oh.  Well, say it really loud.
G:  Not hear me.  Pause the music!
So, I turned the music off and called Daddy so that he could say goodbye.

Then five minutes later...
G:  School bus needs to say goodbye to Daddy!

Tonight I was getting up from the table when I smacked my knee. It hurt bad enough that I had to sit back down. Gabe asked me what happened and I told him. He responded with “I should give it a kiss!”

And what do you know, a kiss did make it feel better!


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