A Goodbye

Tomorrow we sign all the papers and all of this house stuff will be all official. I’m glad it will all be done! Even though everything is lining up exactly the way it should, I’m still paranoid that something is going to happen and this whole thing will fall apart. When the ink is dry, I think I’ll feel better.

But tonight I went to the old house for the last time. And not surprisingly, it made me way more emotional that it probably should have. While we were dating, I sat at that bar for many hours talking while Pat cooked me dinner. That’s the room where Pat told Bella her mom had died. Pat proposed to me in the dining room. I sat on the couch for a month in the living room while on bedrest. And that’s the house where we brought our tiny baby home from the hospital. We’ve lived a lot of life in that house.

It’s funny. I almost didn’t want to marry Pat because I didn’t want to deal with his house. And now, 5 years later, I’m struggling to leave it.

I know we’ll make many other wonderful memories in this new house and that it’s a much better fit for our family. But right now, I’m just sad about the old one.


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