More Sickness...

I’m ready for this winter and all of the winter bugs to be gone. In the last month and or so, we’ve had two rounds of colds go through the family and a stomach bug. Bella, with her immune system of steel, has somehow managed to avoid almost all of it, simply getting a cough for a few days. The other three of us have not been so lucky. Gabe has been sick 4 of the last 5 Fridays and Pat and I just keep catching things and giving them to the other one. I know we’re supposed to share things, but we may be taking this too far...

I’m sure that the stress of selling our house, packing things up, craziness at work and a high-risk pregnancy aren’t helping our immune systems either. But I’ll be ready for the weather to warm up a bit and hopefully make a few of these bugs go away for good. 

The thing that does make this bearable is that no matter how bad Gabe feels, he’s still and sweet and pleasant as always. Well, that and the fact that my parents are in town and don’t mind watching a sick Gabe while I’m at work...


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