Definitely Sick...

On Friday, school called and told me Gabe was sick. Gram and Gramps were able to take him for the day, but he didn’t was a pretty sick little guy. I figured he’d sleep it off, like he usually does, but Saturday morning he was definitely still sick. He spent the day watching Cars while the rest of us worked on packing. His fever was definitely worse that night, but he was still reasonably pleasant. Sunday morning he felt so much better that I figured he was finally feeling better. He and I skipped church anyway, just in case. Then he woke up from his nap and the fever was back.

On Monday he never had a fever, but he definitely didn’t feel good, so he spent the day with Gram and Gramps. But Tuesday he was fine, so I took him to school. Plus, he’d been fever free for over 24 hours.

When he woke up from his nap, the fever was back. I picked him up and took him straight to the doctor. She checked his ears and his throat, but he looked fine. His chest sounded a little funny, so she thought maybe Walking Pneumonia? We were just about to head out for a chest xray when I mentioned that daycare has had strep going around. She did a quick strep test and shockingly, it came back positive, even though his throat looked fine. Gabe hadn’t said a word for the entire appointment until she did the throat swab and he looked at her disapprovingly and said "That make me choke!"

Now he’s on antibiotics and is already feeling better. He’s still not 100%, but I’m hoping that another night of sleep and two more doses of medicine will make life better tomorrow.

A sick Gabe has definitely added to the chaos of this week. Last night was a band concert. Tonight we celebrated Bella’s birthday. Tomorrow is birthing class. And Friday the moving truck shows up. I’m pretty sure I should be relaxing at this point in pregnancy. Hopefully life will calm down eventually?


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