
We went camping this weekend. Well, maybe I should specify that some of us went camping. Pat, Josy and I didn’t spend the night out there because Pat had to work and I figured that no one would sleep if Josiah was crying all night. Great Gram wasn’t keen on sleeping in a cabin, so she, Gram and Gramps all went home. So really, it was Katilyn, Seth, Bryson and Gabe that went camping. The rest of us spent the days at a cabin.

On Sunday we actually had two of Bella’s friends with us. It was odd to have them and not her, but she’s out of town and we gave then a ride to church, so why not?

Once again, the boys thought it was wonderful. They played on the bike, kicked the ball back and forth, dug in the dirt and poked things with sticks. Occasionally they poked each other, but for the most part they did really well. At one point, Bryson poked Gabe near the eye, so Gabe was crying. Bryson told Gabe he was sorry and Gabe sobbed “It’s okay Bryson! I just need you to be more careful!” It was such a grown-up response...

And Josiah slept the whole time.


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