Catching Up...

As if it’s not bad enough that Josy is sitting in a bumbo chewing on toys (or a sock, like he was doing tonight...), today we pulled out the jumper. He loves it! 

I know that’s not a huge smile, but he stayed there and jumped around for a long time. Then this evening he was on his play mat and scooted himself around 270 degrees and at one point actually got his bottom in the air, pushing up on his toes. I’m definitely not ready for this...

He’s definitely discovered himself in the mirror. He smiles and spits and makes noise at the little boy that stares back at him.

He loves school. He grins at the other kids and even got to go on a stroller ride. Everyone there things he’s pretty wonderful too.

Gabe has a book that’s full of pictures and asks questions like “what kind of pet would you like to have?”and then has a giant page of piles of animals to pick from. Gabe pulled it out for Josy the other day before school and started asking him all of the questions. I’m not sure Josy did a good job of answering, but I did hear the panicked “he spit up on the book!!!” Luckily it was actually jusr drool.

The other morning Gabe was super sad because “I’ve been on one planet my whole life!”

Gabe continues to keep us all entertained. I know that I won’t be able to remember everything he says, but I’ll try and write down as much as I can remember...

G: Do astronauts die?
M: No
G: What happens when they get old???

Gabe told his class at school that he wants to have five doggies at his house and “one of the dogs will poop in his pants and that’s silly because dogs don’t wear pants!”

G: When do they make the doggies? There’s a dog doctor and he has all the parts to make the doggies.

He asked me what his body was. I explained it and then he said “and what is my self?”

Oh that kid. Always keeping us on our toes...


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