Pumpkin Carving

Since Halloween is next week, we decided to carve pumpkins. I know that a lot of people do these super awesome elaborate pumpkins and that’s just not ke. Every pumpkin I’ve ever carved looks basically the same: eyes, a nose, and a smile with a tooth. But Gabe told me he wanted a doggie pumpkin. I told him he was going overboard on my pumpkin carving skills, so he decided he wanted Buzz Lightyear. Um, no. But google is amazing and I found a picture of a dog that I thought I could do and we got started.

Josy was not having it. At all. I ended up carving like this...

Too bad you can’t hear him sobbing on my lap...

Then I remembered all of those cute pictures of babies in pumpkins and I realized that this was our only year to do it. So we stripped him down and put him in the pumpkin. He was not impressed.

By the time we were done, both boys needed a bath. Josy was done with life and needed to go to bed. Pat had finished making dinner and Gabe took his jolly sweet time eating it, so there was our entire evening. Also, it was an extra day before I got a picture of Gabe and the pumpkin.

He kindof looks more like a bear than a dog. Oh well..


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