Gabe and his Balloons

A couple of weeks ago, the lady that owns the daycare had a red balloon. Gabe wanted it, and I forget exactly what happened, but she told him that she would put balloons on the grocery list and get him a red balloon. The next day he marched up to her desk and asked where his red balloon was. She told him that they were still on the list, but she would get it. This has now gone on nearly daily.

This morning Gabe was standing outside the door looking into school while I was getting Josy out of the car and he suddenly started yelling “I see my name!!!” When we walked in, there was a full garbage bag hanging from the ceiling with a red string hanging down and a big sign that said “Gabe! Pull my string” He pulled the string and out dropped six red balloons. He was jumping up and down he was so excited! It was adorable!

In other news, this kid says so much funny stuff that I really need to write it all down. Here’s what I can remember...

The other day he told me that he wanted to have a Monster Bed Stuffed Animal Fight. The rules are that he climbs under his bed and I throw stuffed animals at him. Sounds like fun to me!

Yesterday he asked me if he could put his clean shirt in his shirt cubbie. I asked him what a shirt cubbie was. It’s “the drawer where I put all of my shirts.” Kid, I will never complain about you putting away your laundry.

He’s started chasing people around the house yelling “Balloon Smack!” and hitting them with a balloon.

He calls a watch a “watch dotch.” I have no idea where that came from.

The other day one of the daycare teachers told me that they’d told him that he needed to take a nap. His response? “Did you know that a lot of people died at the Alamo?”

Somehow death and dying has come up a lot. He’ll just random throw out that Great Gramps died. I always say yes, but now he’s in Heaven. At one point I asked if he knew anyone else that had died. “Davey Crockett.” True. Anyone else? “RC Spraul.”

And he totally learned his AWANA memory verse even though I forgot to help him practice it.


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