Our Week...

It’s been a pretty quiet week over here. Josy managed to get a cold. It’s not too bad, in that his nose isn’t pouring, but he’s crazy congested. And that means that he isn’t sleeping. He’s consistently getting up to eat at 1, 3 and 5 every morning, which isn’t particularly fun... And he’s had a couple of evenings of crying uncontrollably, so maybe quiet isn’t the best description of our week... But other than that he’s happy and the doctor says that he doesn’t have an ear infection, so we just get to ride this one out and hope that eventually he starts sleeping again...

In other news, Gabe had gymnastics yesterday. Usually Pat takes him, but I did yesterday. I was totally impressed! It’s the first time that he’s been the most focused kid there! To be fair, it’s the start of a new session and all of the big kids got moved to another class and there are a whole bunch of new littler kids who have no idea what they’re doing. But still. He was strong and focused and showed all the kids the ropes. I was very impressed.

And then on Friday we met Elmo!


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