A Cookie Flashback...

Gabe and I made cookies today. He’s actually a pretty good helper these days and he’s super enthusiastic, which makes it even more fun.

Anyway, I gave him the job of sifting the flour, which he took very seriously and did a great job. But as I explained how to do it, I suddenly thought back to a blog post that I wrote when Gabe was a baby, about making cookies and teaching Bella to sift the flour using my Grandma’s sifter. Parenting is so weird. I’m doing the exact same thing, except that years have passed and now my baby is the one I’m teaching to make cookies. And in a few years, I’ll teach Josy how to sift the flour. And once again, I’ll wish that Grandma was here to make cookies with my kids too.

Same cookies, same sifter, probably the same apron, just a different kid.

And now he’s running laps around the stool because apparently he ate too much cookie dough...


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