
We have a new addition to the family: Lucy.

Pat and I have always said that the moment there is a hint of a mouse problem we’re getting another cat. We didn’t have a single mouse problem as long as Max lived in the other house, but the moment he left, they moved in. Neither of us want to have that fight again. A few weeks ago we could hear a mouse chewing through the walls to try and get in, so we found a lady on facebook that day whose cat just had kittens and now we have Lucy. Interestingly enough, we never heard from that mouse after that first day...

She’s been here a week now. We hadn’t told any of the kids, so it was a complete surprise. We FaceTimed with Bella and I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen her that excited about anything ever. Gabe was super excited and then asked for a puppy also. Um, no. I can only handle so many babies at once. And Josy thinks she’s great and tries to chase her everywhere. Right now he’s a very slow crawler, but Lucy may change that. She’s giving him a wise berth, which is good. His little pincher hands and her claws are a disaster waiting to happen...

Pat and I were thinking to name her Lucy, but we figured that we’d give the kids the chance to come up with a name also. So we asked Gabe what we should call her and he said “Mouse Killer.” So she’s now Lucy Mouse Killer. Apparently that’s how we do things over here. Max was actually Maxwell Abraham Lincoln...

So far we’re all pretty smitten. She’s a pretty great kitty.


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