More Questions

And then Gabe wanted to do it again, but he wanted to answer for himself, so here we go.

WITHOUT prompting, ask your child these questions and write EXACTLY what they say. 

*What is something I say a lot?
I’m hungry Mama

*What makes me happy?
Watching tv and giving hugs and kisses to my Mommy and Daddy

*What makes me sad?
You guys giving me spankings 

*How tall am I?
<holds one hand on his head and one hand on his foot> So tall

*What's my favorite thing to do?
Play with my yoyo on my bunkbed

*What is my favorite food?
Raspberries because they’re red

*What is my fave thing to drink?
Orange juice

*If I could go anywhere, where would I go?
To Fireland 

*Do you think you could live without me?

*What is my favorite TV show?
PJ Masks and Blippi and Paw Patrol

*What is my favorite music to listen to?
PJ Mask music

*What is my job?
To play

*How old am I?

*What's my favorite color?

*How much do you love me?
So much!

Copy, paste and change my answers and see what your child says!


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