The Last Christmas Present

Josy finally got his last Christmas present. Uncle Matt and Auntie Rachael sent him a present that was supposed to show up a day or so after Gabe’s present. However, it was sent to Gram and Gramps’ house and apparently it was delayed, so it didn’t show up until after they’d already left for a month. Then, to make things more interesting, the mailman put it on the doorstep. Normally this would be fine, however the ravens found it and decided to attack it. The neighbor actually found the package in the middle of the parking lot being eaten by ravens. She rescued the box and left a note for my parents. Gram finally showed up this week and managed to get the box and deliver it to Josy. Luckily he’s little and didn’t mind that it was so late.

Regardless off the condition of the box, Josy was pretty excited.

Gabe, being the good big brother that he is, decided that he wanted to play with it too. His way of playing, though, was to make Josy chase it.

We finally informed him that was not a fun game for Josy and made him go get his doggie that Great Gram bought him for his birthday.

The dogs are so popular that even the cat is playing with them. This morning Gabe was outside and Josy was in his carseat and yet somehow the dog was talking in the other room. Apparently Lucy figured out how to play with him...


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