
I saw this on Facebook and thought it would be funny to ask Gabe...

WITHOUT prompting, ask your child these questions and write EXACTLY what they say. 

*What is something I say a lot?
Eat your breakfast!

*What makes me happy?
Giving hugs and kisses

*What makes me sad?
Not making beautiful pictures 

*How tall am I?
So tall

*What's my favorite thing to do?
Do all your work

*What is my favorite food?

*What is my fave thing to drink?
Water and soda

*If I could go anywhere, where would I go?
Um, to Englas

*Do you think you could live without me?

*What is my favorite TV show?
Star Wars

*What is my favorite music to listen to?
Christmas music

*What is my job?
To work

*How old am I?
How old are you? I can’t say.

*What's my favorite color?

*How much do you love me?
So much!

Copy, paste and change my answers and see what your child says!


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