A New Toy

Last week a friend from church asked me if the boys would be interested in a car that her granddaughter had played with at her house while she was up visiting. I almost said no. It’s big. And noisy. And I just wasn’t sure if we needed it. I’m so glad that I said yes. The boys love it! They have played with it constantly for the last week. It’s the first toy that they both love. they actually fight over it, but in a funny way. One of them will be playing in it and the other one will try and sneak in and sit on the other one lap so they can drive. Seriously they both try that move and it’s hilarious! 

Eventually I’ll get tired of the noise and move it upstairs to Josy’s bedroom but for right now, it’s great. Plus, we have a little extra space in the living room because I got rid of the jumper this week since Josy is definitely too big for it. My baby needs to stop growing up...


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