A Week of Sun

We’ve had a pretty crazy week around here. The weather was beautiful and sometimes it’s hard to balance getting out and enjoying all the fun things but also doing things like sleeping and laundry. Plus, definitely revolves around naptime, so there’s that.

On Sunday, by the time that everyone was up from their naps, we had very little time left to enjoy the sunshine, so we hiked a little way down a trail that I haven’t been on in a a very long time. We didn’t make it very far, but I didn’t expect us to, given the fact that it was beautiful but definitely cold. Also, certainly people were very hungry because I told them to grab a snack and they packed for Pringles and then couldn’t figure out why they were still hungry. Also, Gabe informed me that we didn’t have cell service (we did) “because of the wildness.”

We decided to have pirate dinner with Kelly. Basically, we just dressed up like pirates and ate dinner, but Gabe was super excited to carry his pirate flag around.

He decided to help with the garbage this week. I will not complain about that at all.

We went to Aunt Jan’s house to repot Gabe’s bean plant. It’s growing super fast.

I’m pretty sure this is not the safest way to ride in a grocery cart...

Have found this dinosaur buried in the sandbox at the park.

Lightsaber battles and swordfights are happening a lot around here right now.

I have Josy a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He did really well until he tried to drink the milk, spilled it and then decided splashing would be fun.

Silly cat

Gabe’s Halloween costume showed up. I’m not going to spoil the surprise, but he hasn’t really taken it off in four days. We’ll be lucky if it makes it to Halloween without getting destroyed...

I got a text from the owner of the daycare, who just sold it this summer:
I visited the kids at the park today! Gabe was so cute and sweet and wanted to talk endlessly of course. He asked about my new job and I told him it was really boring because I don't get to see kids everyday. He had a thoughtful pause and then said "even if your job is boring you better be there on time or you might get fired"😂

My life is certainly never boring...


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