The Last Three Weeks

I have been home the majority of the last three weeks. The Tuesday after Labor Day, daycare called me and said that both boys had a fever. I took them home and they were fine. Neither one seemed sick in the least, but daycare rules meant that I had to keep them home for three days. I got to take them back on Friday. On Saturday Pat left to go moose hunting for a week. Thursday morning I had been at work for 15 minutes when school called to tell me that Gabe had a fever. I took both boys home and while he was slightly more emotional than normal, my thermometer never did say that he had a fever. Nonetheless, he was out of school for three days. Two days later, I had a sore throat. I consulted with my public health nurse friend and she told me that was covid-test worthy, so I got a covid test while Pat (finally!) came home. On Tuesday Josy was starting to get a runny nose, so I called daycare to find out what the policy on runny noses was. She told me that he needed a negative test if he had a runny nose. Lovely. So I took him in for a covid test on Tuesday. Wednesday morning, Gabe sounded all congested and I was afraid he was coming down with the cold, so I took him on for a test too, figuring then at least both boys were on the same schedule. My test finally came back negative on Wednesday and Josy’s came back Friday. I’m assuming that Gabe’s is negative also, but I haven’t officially gotten that email. The best part is that now both boys have recovered from whatever mild cold thing that may have been fighting with, so they’re clearly fine.

All that to say that I’ve been at work four days of the last three week without anyone actually being sick. Also, Pat was gone for one of those weeks. It’s been fun... And he didn’t even bring us home a moose!

But I’ve gotten to spend some fun time with the boys. It’s just hard because I feel like I need to be working whenever the boys are asleep and since we’ve been waiting for test results, we’ve been in quarantine, making it harder to do fun stuff.

Gram and Gramps came over for a pizza and movie night while Pat was gone. It was the first time Gram’s been over since she got sick 8 weeks ago and I think it was the longest she’d been out of bed too. I think the Gabe snuggles helped. We watched Muppet Treasure Island, figuring that the pirate-obsessed 4-year-old would love it. However, he’s a pretty sensitive little thing and was terrified of the whole beginning. But snuggling with Gram, String, Timmy and Timmy Jr helped. We also watched it again with Daddy when he got home and it wasn’t nearly as scary. Now he’s convinced that it’s his favorite movie.

Josy had been working on his stacking skills.

I got this giant box that the boys thought was wonderful. It had now been turned into a rowboat.

Keeping the lookout for Gramps to come pick him up for a special Gram and Gramps date (which obviously included donuts).

The rowboat... We also now have a barrel that is officially a Poke the Pirate game, but which also doubles as a snack tray.

Josy has been learning to eat a bowl of cereal. He’s actually doing a pretty good job of not spilling milk all the way down his front.

The is Pete the Parrot. He’s Gabe’s new attachment. Apparently Pete helps him with his chores, keeps his ear clean and takes a lot of baths. Therefore, he does not deserve to be called Stinky Pete, even though that’s what Daddy calls him, irritating Gabe terribly.

It’s been fun to be at home. But I’m also ready for the routine of going back to work...


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