
In retrospect, it may have been a little over ambitious to try and plant flowers on the first day back to work after vacation when Pat had to work all evening, so I was in charge of dinner and bedtime. But, the weather was nice while we were gone, so everyone had already bought all of the good plans by the time we got home, so Gabe and I bought what we could on Sunday and I wanted to get them in the pots. Also, Gabe was desperate to plant his plants.

Also, I had big plans on which plant went in which pot, but Gabe was convinced that he needed to plant one of the ones he picked out in its own pot. It killed my whole plan, but he was super excited about it, so I went with it.

Also, doing anything in the yard with an almost 2-year-old is very complicated...

But at least we should have beautiful flowers all summer! 


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