This Morning

We had quite the dramatic morning. Actually, it started last night, when Gabe and I made cupcakes for Josy to take to school today for his birthday.  Both boys were super excited to help with the cleanup process.

They were too warm to decorate last night, so I got up this morning and frosted them before Gabe was up. As much as I love him, frosting cupcakes with him before breakfast is a little more than I can handle... Anyway, I was finishing up the last one as he walked down the stairs and he was none the wiser.

We finished up breakfast and I got Josy down from his chair and took his diaper off. He’s fighting with a diaper rash, so I wanted to let his little bottom air out. As I did it, I told him not to poop on the floor. I should have known better than to say that to a kid that isn’t potty trained...

I went upstairs to brush my teeth and less than two minutes later, Gabe yells that Josy pooped on the floor. Thanks, kid.

I went downstairs and cleaned up the majority of the mess. Then I went to find a Lysol wipe, and when I came back, Josy had decided to help me clean by throwing his blanket over the mess. Um, no. While In appreciate the helpfulness, now Blankey has to go in the wash. Then poor Josy is sobbing because his blanket is in the laundry and he was just trying to help.

Eventually, we got the whole mess cleaned up and everyone dressed and headed out the door. Then as I buckled everyone in, Josy insisted in holding his lunchbox, which I don’t normally let him do because I don’t want him getting into his lunch. But for some reason, I let him get away with it today. Then as I buckled Gabe in, Lucy decides to jump in the car. So, I go in the house to get the cupcakes and to get Cathy to help me. She rescues Lucy as I load up the cupcakes and we head out there for.

We’re driving down the road, when I suddenly hear what something shaking. It’s Josy. He’s gotten into his lunch and is shaking his corn. All I can think is that the lid had better stay on. Then I start smelling banana.

When we finally get to school, I open the door to this:

He’s holding a banana string with one hand and saying “yucky!” With his other hand, he’s digging in his banana and eating it. His sandwich is squished and only his corn has survived unscathed.

At least I remembered to bring the cupcakes...


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