Mother’s Day

My dear husband went all out on Mother’s Day this year. He knew that I was struggling with it, given the fact that not all of our kids are here with us, so he decided to do his best to make the day special for me.

It started with breakfast. He got up and made Eggs Benedict and fresh squeezed grapefruit drinks while I slept in. Then there were flowers, cards and a beautiful Mother’s Day present. Unfortunately, we had to eat fast because of church, but it still tasted wonderful.

After church, we went on a family run. I never in my life dreamed that a family run would ever be a part of Mother’s Day celebration, but suddenly Pat likes to run and it’s a lot of fun. Also, he runs faster than I do, so he gets to push the stroller, and it pushes me to run a lot faster than I’m used to. Our 4.5 mile run was my 4th fastest 3-5 mile run since I started tracking my runs 8 years ago...

We ran to the park to let the boys play for a bit. It started raining while we’re were there, which meant the slide was wet and they both ended up very wet and cold by the end, but that’s okay. We just all took hot showers when we got home.

Then the boys all took naps and I got to work on a sewing project for awhile. One Gabe woke up, we watch the Great British Baking Show together.

Eventually it was time for dinner and since we never cook on Sunday evening anyway, I picked peanut butter English muffins. Gabe thought it was a great decision. “Great suggestion! 21 thumbs up and 21-38 good jobs.” Clearly he’s easy to please. That said, he did ask “Mom, do you want to make dessert or chocolate cake or something?” Sorry kid, still not cooking.

But as soon as he went to bed, Pat and I may have pulled out some chocolate mousse to split...

It was a lovely way to end the evening...


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