Six Years

Tomorrow my baby turns 6. 6! How is that even possible? How has it been six years since I first saw that tiny, tiny little baby, all covered in tubes and tape. His little hand holding the top of my finger. Six years since my world revolved around sitting in the nicu every day with a baby snuggled in my lap. Six years.

I can’t even believe it.

And now I have the sweetest, most caring little boy ever. Sure, he’s still a little boy that gets distracted when doing simple tasks and asks way too many questions and doesn’t ever stop moving. But he is also empathetic to a fault and just wants to learn everything about everything. And tonight when he could tell I was having a rough time, he offered to let me have one of his birthday cupcakes. Every time he makes a special treat at school, he brings a piece home for Daddy and I to try.

And he loves pirates. Oh man, does he love pirates.

But how had it been six years since this little boy first captured my heart???


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