Starting off with a Bang…

Well, we got back from our trip and the next morning Bella fell down the stairs and broke her foot. So that instantly flipped out entire week upside down as we suddenly spent the week at appointments. She also couldn’t ride the bus to school and I had to drop her off and pick her up. Lets just say that getting my hours in at work last week was a little bit complicated…

Bella had her spring concert, which she had to do with a boot on.

This is what happens when the weather is nice and you play outside all day. You fall asleep on the way to a birthday party…where there will be even more playing.

That is definitely how you make Turkish tea…

Bella finally got her cast on, so naturally the boys asked the doctor for gloves to play with.

Lucy never joins us for snuggle time, so I had to document it.

After five days in the hospital, Gramps came home!

Josy really likes making me coffee. He’s so helpful…

And that has been our last two weeks…


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