An Old Friend

One of the perks of living in a cruise ship town is that every once in a while, people show up on cruise ships that you haven’t seen in forever and you get to hang out with them for a few hours.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a message from Isayana. I met her when she was living in the orphanage in Nicaragua on my first trip, back in 2003. She was there for a couple of trips and then she went back home and lived with her mom for a few years. I’d go to their house every year to visit her and her siblings. Then when she was 11 she and her twin sister got adopted by a lady in Washington and that was the last I saw of her. Occasionally she’d pop up on Facebook and we’d chat, but I haven’t seen her in person in close to 15 years.

But this week her, her mom and her nephew were all on a cruise ship and wondered if I’d want to meet up. Oh man yes.

So I picked them up and gave them the tour of town and we got some coffee and sat and talked for hours and it was so much fun. 


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