My Birthday

I turned 40 last week. I shouldn’t be too shocked since after Pat turned 40 three years ago I found myself thinking “now that we’re 40… No. He is 40. I am not 40!!” So really, I’ve been mentally preparing to be 40 for the last three years… But now I am officially 40 and it’s weird.

Pat and I went out for dinner to celebrate. It was supposed to be just the two of us, but when we got there Laurie and Nathan were sitting at the table too. Best surprise ever!!

They’re staying with us all week, which is great fun and should be another post all by itself. Lets just say that the boys are having so much fun that they’re going to be devastated when they leave…

Then Saturday Pat planned a big birthday with all of our friends and neighbors. Half of the people couldn’t shore up due to family trips or covid, but that’s okay. It was a lot of fun and a really good way to start this new decade.


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