A Weekend Away
Gram and Gramps offered to watch the boys for a couple of days, so Pat and I went to Tucsan for three days. We’d never been there before, but everyone were talked to kept telling us more things to go do, so we had quite the list before we showed up. There was no way we could do it all, so we’re definitely going to have to go back again. Also, everything we did, we kept thinking about how much the boys would enjoy, so we definitely need to take them… Our first stop was lunch, but after that we went to the Pima Air Museum. I may not care much about airplanes, but even I could recognize that they had some pretty cool planes. I can’t give you the list of all of them, but I did recognize one of the Blue Angels, Air Force One and the plane that Grandpa Jim was in during Vietnam. (Okay, I didn’t identify that one by myself…) Then we got dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant, and celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary a week early. The next day, we meet up with our old neighbors Kirk and Tanya...