Breakfast with Santa

The high school softball team put on Breakfast with Santa this year. I don’t know if this was the first year they’ve done it, but it was the just I’ve heard of it and we saw piles of friends there, so I hope that they keep doing it. But it was a pancake breakfast, a visit with Santa and a bunch of crafts for the kids to do. The boys thought it was great.

We even saw the Grinch. Gabe was okay with him, but Josy stayed far away from him…

After breakfast, we found Santa. Josy thought he was wonderful! When Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas, he said he wanted a deer, so I’m not sure how Christmas morning is going to go for him. Santa was just as confused,

Then the boys made crafts. For some reason, both of Josy’s only had one eye…

And then we went to Gabe’s soccer game, which is why he was wearing all of his soccer stuff. I suggested putting a pair of sweatpants on over his shorts, but that idea was quickly shot down. Instead he wrapped himself in a blanket in order to walk across the parking lot. Oh so. He survived…


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