Christmas Fun

All of the Christmas fun so far this month…

First we had to take down the Thanksgiving decorations. Josy had to say goodbye to Mr. Chicken, Mr. Man and Mr. Friend. The turkey on the right didn’t get a name.

But then we got to pull out the Christmas decorations!

Josy learned how to daisy chain Christmas lights. It’s an important skill in life.

I asked Gabe what traditions were important to him and he instantly yelled “Tea!” Luckily I’d already bought the tea Advent calendars. We drink a cup of tea every night and read a chapter of Luke.

Gallery walk!

We made bonbons. Clearly Gabe’s favorite part was the cleanup…

Nothing like three little boys in a box…

Josy has started to get himself dressed. This outfit also included mismatched Paw Patrol/Dinosaur Christmas socks.

We went to a craft event at church. One of the crafts was to make a baby Jesus in a manger. Josy insisted on three babies and he glued them in like this:

They also decorated trees, which seems like a much better plan than doing gingerbread houses. You don’t have to worry about a collapsing roof!

We took a helicopter trip to go see the Christmas lights around town. The boys loved it!!

We dipped the bonbons yesterday. Josy really liked the cleanup of that too.

We watched Holiday Inn and suddenly both boys got the urge to tapdance like Fred Astair. They both decided to replicate the 4th of July dance, complete with throwing knex like firecrackers. Then Gabe decided to make tap shoes.

It’s been a fun Christmas season so far.


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