Christmas Eve

I don’t have much to report from our long day of driving. We had breakfast in Utah, lunch in Nevada and dinner in Arizona. We only had one carsick kid and two little boys that only slept for one hour between the two of them, so it was a long drive. But we got through the first book of the Boxcar Children and The Hobbit, so that made it more fun.

We pulled in to Gram and Gramps’s house around 8:30 and we were met with a very excited Bryson, so needless to say, everyone was too excited to go to sleep. It made for a long night, particularly when Josy refused to go to sleep until Blanket was out of the dryer. We did get some good snuggled in though, so at least that helped.

Eventually everyone went to sleep and we woke up on Christmas Eve.

It hasn’t been particularly warm, but the boys have been itching to swim, so we let them get in. Pat was the only adult willing to brave the cold post-swim air, the rest of us just watching as three little crazy boys played in the pool. Josy was so cold that his chin was quivering, but he refused to let me get him out. He was having way too much fun. Silly kid.

Lunch involved certain little boys making a huge mess on the floor, so luckily we had some good teamwork to clean up the mess.

Then Josy took a nap and then we headed to the Christmas Eve service. I got the boys matching ties and suspenders and they looked so dapper that I couldn’t help taking pictures.

We weren’t sure how Josy would do with a candle, but he took the responsibility very seriously and did great. He was excited to actually do something interesting. He spent the rest of the service dropping the candle or putting the program on his head or trying to lay down. But hey, he may have been wiggly, but he was quiet, so I thought he did great.

But by the time we got to the family picture, he was done. So this was the best picture we got.

All three boys looked so good, so that Gramps had to join them for a picture.

Then we headed home for Swedish Pancakes and new Christmas jammies. Gram read a Christmas story and then it was off to bed.


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