
The Cub Scouts all went bowling together. Since Pat was out of town, I took both boys. This is probably a good time to note that I was completely exhausted and didn’t want to go, but Gabe was excited, so I decided that we’d all go anyway. I’m so glad that we did because the boys had so much fun.

They started out using the ramps, which was actually a good idea. Josy managed to get a spare on his first frame. I have no idea how he pulled that off…

The Gabe decided to try not using the ramp, so naturally Josy had to follow suit. Things then got much slower and much more dramatic…

Josy managed to push the ball so slowly that twice it actually stopped in the middle of the lane. We had to throw another ball to try and hit it to get it to actually do something. The one time I tried that, it hit the ball, but it bounced back and forth on the gutter guards so much that by the time it got to the pins, the pin-clearer was coming back up and smacked it, knocking it all the way back down the lane to us.

Not bad for their first time!

The boys had a wonderful time and now Josy asks me every day if we can go bowling again. I told him we have to wait for Daddy because he wants to go too and I have a feeling that he’s going to be devastated that we’re not going tonight as Daddy is now home…


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