Ski Lessons

Josy had his first ski lessons!

Gabe actually started lessons too, but he’s at least done a few of these already. Josy, on the other hand, was on skis for the first time ever.

He wasn’t super excited when his lessons started, but that was mostly because he didn’t want to wear the vest. Once we left, he had a wonderful time.

While the boys were at lessons, Pat and I got to ski together for the first time since we were dating, I think.

Then we picked up the boys. I really wanted a picture of Josy on his skis, but he told me no.

We had some lunch at the lodge and then we each took a boy up the hill.

We thought Josy was done, but he really wanted to go to the chairlift, so he was willing to give it a try.

He made it down the hill three times and then we decided to quit while we were ahead.

We were all exhausted by the time we got home, but all-in-all, it was a good day.


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