Catching Up…

Sunday night tea and Bible time

For some reason, he really likes having his coat on backwards…

Gabe decided that he wanted to start sleeping on a pile of stuffed animals in Josy’s bedroom.

We had dinner with Gram and Gramps and the boys ended up in the bathtub.

Getting Josy used to ski boots

Lucy, eyeing Josy’s breakfast

The boys finally got haircuts! Josy was bummed because he wanted his hair short like Daddy’s “with hokey-pokeys on the top.”

Friday night dinner and a movie night: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids!

Puppy Josy, snuggled up with all of his puppies

Nothing like story time with Gram and Gramps

Gabe and Gram made hot chocolate bombs. They looked (and tasted!) much better than the ones I tried to make last year…

Gabe went to Nerf Gun Night. There were only three kids, so I got to play too, which was fun. 

Josy was convinced he needed his astronaut costume at school and I was not about to say no when he’s just that cute.

I walked downstairs yesterday and they were all three reading.

Life might be a little crazy over here, but it’s fun.


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