Last Sunday

While I’m catching up on posts, we had a lot of fun last Sunday. We started out with a bike ride. This is momentous because we didn’t go on any family bike rides last year because my bike had broken when the shed collapsed. But Pat took it in and got it fixed this spring, so I suddenly 

a bike again! It was also the first time that Gabe has riden his own bike, rather than hanging out in the trailer. Also, Josy was determined to beat Gabe and spent the whole time yelling at Daddy to go faster.

Then we pulled out the fire pit and Cathy came over to hang out for the evening.

At church that morning, the deacons had given the boys all of the extra Communion bread. When I asked them what we were going to do with all that bread, one of the other guys at church announced that we could make tiny grilled cheese sandwiches. So that’s what the boys got for dinner.


Then we hung out by the fire and did our Bible time.

Hopefully we’ll have a lot more fire time in this year because that was a lovely way to spend the evening!


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