“This was an Awesome Day!!”

As Gabe was getting ready for bed, he announced that “this was an awesome day!” And while yes, it was awesome, I would actually use the word crazy…

Let’s start with last night. Josy and I stopped by the flower store on our way home and bought a bunch of plants to plant. I knew that we didn’t have enough pouring soil to actually plant them yet, but I figured we’d at least get the process started.

Then, because I was Snack Mom at baseball, I decided to make cookies. Pat ended up at the grocery store last night when the boys went to bed while I made cookies, which would have been a great plan, however then I realized that we were out of eggs and I had to put the whole thing on hold until he got home. So I made the cookies, but I only got three dozen made before I have up and went to bed.

This morning I made pancakes for the boys and then got started on all of the things that needed done today, which mostly involved a lot of cleaning. Gabe and I got the flowers arranged to figure out if we needed to buy any more and we were going to head to the store for potting soil, but then I got called into work. Luckily I could do what I needed to do from home, but it did dramatically change my plans for the day. I finished my work thing and realized that we only had an hour until the game, so instead I worked on laundry, baked more cookies and got the boys lunch.

We went to the game and I managed to only take videos, so I have nothing to show for it… But Gabe did awesome. He had two really good hits, and then he managed to get two outs at first base. The first one was a hit right down the baseline and he got it and went to the base. The next play confused me, to be honest. I’m not sure how he ended up with the ball, but a kid was almost to third and rather than throwing it to the third baseman, he saw that we didn’t have a catcher and he took off to home and tagged the kid out just as he was about to touch home. It was a great play. And it was the last play of the game, which helped as well.

We got home and put Josy down for a nap and then Gabe and I went to the store and bought putting soil. Then we came home and put the last three dozen cookies in the oven.

This is probably a good time to note that Pat spent the day replacing the window in the den.

He’s actually still working on it while I’m writing this. I’m sure that the weird way our day was broken up into chunks didn’t help him, but it should be finished soon.

Then a few minutes before 4, I woke Josy up and we headed up Gabe’s Cub Scout Bridging Ceremony. We got there just as the Scout master was arriving, at which point we discover that it started at 5, not 4. So Pat left to keep working on the windows and the boys and I stayed and played.

When we got here it was raining, but it cleared up and we got rainbows and porpoises playing in the water. It ended up being a lovely evening.

Eventually everyone else showed up and we had the ceremony. Gabe is now officially a wolf (rather than a tiger)!

Then we got home and the boys got a bath, Pat kept working on getting the window in and I cleaned bathrooms, kept the laundry moving and did the dishes. Now the boys are in bed, I’m finally sitting down and I’m kindof afraid to ask how Pat is doing…


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