A Busy Little Boy

Gabe hasn't been feeling well this weekend. This morning he was having a tough time, so he and I stayed home from church and snuggled.

However, just because he wasn't feeling very well did not mean that he wanted to sit and snuggle all morning. He had things to do and places to explore!

We have a huge box in the living room at the moment that I thought would make a great tunnel. Gabe, however, refused to go through it and just tried to climb on it.

However, then Max went through it. If Max can do, then Gabe will!

There was plenty of other exploring to be done...

He even found the girl scout cookies.

Bella put her backpack behind the couch to see if that would keep Gabe out of the cat's little area. Nope.

It should be noted that he was not stuck. He got himself out and got to the orange ball, which was his plan.

After church, Gram and Gramps came over to celebrate Bella's birthday tomorrow.

He was feeling better this evening, so we went to church. He spent much of the service like this.

Seriously. So busy!



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