Dolls and Rocking Horses

When I was a kid, my Mom had a bunch of Madam Alexander dolls. I thought they were wonderful and started buying some of my own. Between the two of us, we have a pretty good collection, but they have been sitting in boxes for the last few years.

Now that I have Bella, I've bought her a couple, one for a birthday before we were married, and one as an adoption present. She really does like them, so we thought it would be fun to pull out all of my dolls for her. So Pat put up a shelf and last night we put up all of the dolls, so she has the complete collection. 

In the process of looking through my childhood stuff to find the dolls, we found my old rocking horse that was made by my Great Grandad. We decided to pull it out for Gabe.

The horse used to have more hair and a tail, but I remember pulling it all out. I don't remember chewing on his ears though...



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