
We had some good brother-sister bonding this evening.

Dinner was taking forever to cook, so naturally the two of them were hanging out in the kitchen to encourage the food to cook faster.

Then Bella was showing Gabe how to brush his teeth. Clearly the best place to do that was sitting in the sink...

In other Gabe news, he's up to 16lbs 7oz. He's gained nearly a half a pound in a week. Apparently all of the pediasure we've been shoving down him is doing some good. It looks like we can stop that now, which will be nice.

He's figured out how to clap and loves practicing. Today when I dropped him off at school, he waved goodbye and then clapped for himself, since he did such a good job waving bye.

He's also graduated to eating whatever we're eating for dinner (for the most part...). Tonight he ate three Swedish Meatballs. His Swedish Great Grandpa would be so proud!


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