An Unplanned Weekend

This weekend did not go as planned. Actually, we had no actual plans, just some thoughts about what we needed to do. Instead, on Friday night we got a call from Bella's BFF's mom telling us that they's gotten weathered out of their town and were stuck here until they could catch a flight home. So, the three of them stayed at our place for the weekend.

It was a lot of fun. They moved two years ago, and while the girls have seen each other a couple of times, this was the first time since they'd left that all of us adults had spent any time together. Saturday night the third member of their little threesome came over with her family. We had quite the houseful: 3 10-year-olds, 3 babies and 5 adults. But it was a lot of fun and the girls hadn't all hung out together in about 4 years.

Sunday we had the three girls for awhile. We pulled out Bella's tea set and had a tea party.

Then one of the other moms took them to see Beauty and the Beast.

Our houseguests kept Gabe for the night and Pat and I got to go on a date!

It was definitely not the weekend that we'd planned, but we had a lot of fun. Hopefully they'll get weathered out more often!


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