A Long Week

We've had a long week over here. We had a great weekend last weekend with lots of friends and good times, but then life gets back to normal and that transition can be hard. Plus, there wasn't nearly enough sleeping and we have to catch up on all the things that didn't happen while we had extra people around. On top of that, I had four appointments for the kids in two days and we ended up making some big decisions that we weren't planning on making right now, but it turned out that this was the week to make them. Plus, the complicated way in which our family was formed sometimes rears it's head in some difficult ways and that definitely happened this week. It's been a long week. 

But today is a new day and Bella and I are off on an adventure! Gabe even waved goodbye for the first time as we left this morning.

A few pictures from the last few days...

When you've just had a good breakfast of milk, the best thing to do is sit down amd eat a bowl of cheerios, right?

Someone is very helpful when I load the dishwasher...



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