A Busy Week

So many random Gabe things from this week...

This morning we decided to pray with Gabe about our house selling. When we finished, he wanted to sing. I asked him what he wanted to sing and he said "Jesus House." So I busted out some Audio Adrenaline's Big Big House, which I remember singing at LA'94. All day long Gabe has been singing "Big big house. Lots and lots of room. Big big yard. We play football." (As a side note, I told Gramps that he asked for a Jesus house song and he said "So you sang Big Big House?")


We were driving home this week and Gabe said "I no like bunnies. Bunnies scary." I said "what? Bunnies aren't scary." He said "So, so soft." I told him that they were very soft. Then he told me that they were "too much fun." Um, you don't like bunnies because they're soft and too much fun???


Last weekend we went to a goodbye party for some friends that are moving. There were piles of kids there, but luckily the yard was set up for it really well. Gabe got to have several firsts.

First rockclimb:

First water balloon fight:

First ice cream cone:

He also got to play ball with another boy, although it took a lot of coaching... "Gabe, kick the ball to him. Good! Now you kick the ball back to Gabe. Good job!"  It didn't last too long, but they each got in a few kicks!


Gabe got to go on a special date with Gram this week. I told him about it and his first response was "See bears?" Um, no. Gram is not going to take you to see bears for your date... Instead they went to feed the ducks.

The next day in the car, Gabe told me that he "go date with my Gram."


Don't let him fool you! He is not asleep in his breakfast. He's faking it! In just a moment, the corner of his mouth will twitch, then he'll open his eyes just enough to see if you're watching, and then he'll break out in a huge grin.

The first time he did this, he was super tired, so I really thought that he could be asleep. Nope, just faking it.

Now sometimes it comes with fake snores.


Since it's the summer, the helicopters are flying and Gram and Gramps' house is right in the flight path. Gabe thinks this is wonderful. Every time he hears one, he runs to their window shouting "Helicoooopter!" and then lets us know if it was a yellow one or a red one.

This week we were talking to Grammy and Grampa and I was trying to get Gabe to talk a bit for them. 

Me: Gabe, what do you see a lot of at Gram and Gramps' house?
Gabe: Donuts
M: No, they fly high in the sky.
G: Balloons
M: No, they're red and yellow.
G: Ladybugs
M: They make a loud noise. What makes a loud noise?
G: Daddy

He never did get to "Helicopters."


Gabe has figured out how to summersault. He still hasn't figured out how to plan so that he doesn't go flip straight into the wall, so there have been a few crashes, but I'm sure that will come in time. If he's feeling really ambitious, he jumps, then puts his head on the ground and does a summersault. Maybe he needs to do gymnastics???


This morning, we walked out to the airport trail so that Gabe could see the airplanes. We also ran into a lot of dogs and there were lots of flowers to pick, so Gabe thought it was great. Plus, Gram and Gramps came too.

Gabe was determined to skip rocks. I mean, we were a long way from the actual river, but sure kid. Give it a try.

We saw a bunch of planes come in, but they were a on the flight path that came in the other direction, so they didn't come in over top of us. The float planes, on the other hand, took off right over our heads.

After a very short nap, we went to Gabe's first friend's birthday party. He spent two hours running around the play area having a wonderful time. I think there was a reason that he was falling asleep while drinking his bottle tonight, a half hour before bedtime...


I love watching Gabe and all of his little daycare buddies grow up and become friends. The other day, we walked to school from the car just as another girl and her dad were walking down the sidewalk. The kids saw each other and yelled hi while waving. Just then another mom got her daughter out of the car and she saw them and started yelling hi and waving. Gabe and the first girl were yelling hi at the second girl too. It was pretty cute!


Gabe was helping me get ready for a house showing by cleaning up the watermelon that he spilled. It was his idea too!


I'm sure that more funny stuff happened this week, but this is all I can remember right now. I really need to write it down when it happens...


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