Catching Up

I've spent the last few weeks thinking that I need to write down all the funny things that Gabe says and does, but somehow I haven't gotten around to it. Lets see if I can remember everything...


Gabe has started saying all sorts of funny things. He now says "yes please" and "no please" as well as "Fank you" or "fanks" rather than his previous "da du". He's also started "can I?" As in "Can I play with bubbles please?" And "can I open that?" He's just started saying "why because why?"


The other day we were eating breakfast and I was coughing. Gabe looked at me and said "Mommy, okay?" Those of you that know some of our family struggles that I don't write about will know why that was so special.


Just now I was getting him ready for bed and he crawled up on my lap and said "I give Mommy snuggles." I told him that I love Gabey snuggles. He responded with "I love you Mommy."


Me: Hi Gabe
Gabe: I no Gabey. I Sweet Boy.
M: Okay
G: Hi Mommy
M: Hi Sweet Boy
G: No! I no Sweet Boy. I Little Man.
M: Oh, okay.
G: Hi Mommy
M: Hi Little Man 
G: No! I no Little Man. I Gabey Baby.

Clearly things are a little confusing around here sometimes...


M: You're going to wear your athletic clothes today and you're going to be adorable!
G: Adorable! I Uncle Matt!
M: Not Uncle Matt, Uncle Nathan
G: Uncle Nafan


M: Are you ready for breakfast?
G: No, I snuggle my blanket.

Doesn't everyone carry a spoon around in their mouth in the bathroom???


Bella left for a couple of weeks today to visit her cousins, so these two got in some reading and snuggling before she left.


While she and Dad were at the airport, Gabe and I went to the park.

As if his hair wasn't crazy enough to begin with...

I have a little daredevil on my hands. He figured out how to climb the rope all by himself. I was right next to him to catch him if he fell, but he figured it out.


We went on a bike ride with Gram. I'm not sure this is the most effective way to ride...


I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now...


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