A Rough Week

Last week was a rough week. The weather was beautiful and all anyone wanted to do was be outside, but instead I managed to get a stomach bug. I spent the third hottest day in recorded history stuck on the couch, hardly able to move. Luckily I only had one day like that, but it was a full five more days before I had recovered from that one bad day. Needless to say, enjoying the beautiful sunny weather was not high on my priority list, as I was just trying to function...

Luckily other people planned ahead a little better than we did. Gabe's daycare took all of the kids to the beach for the afternoon. You know your kid has had a good day when you pick him up and he looks like this...

A friend is moving and giving away piles of toys that her kids don't need anymore, so we stopped by to see if there was anything Gabe would like. He picked out these three helicopters and he's still carrying them around everywhere he goes and talking about how "Ben's mommy give Gabey helicopters" and "oh no! Where's my purple helicopter???" if he can only find two.

Plus, the lady down the street was getting rid of her basketball hoop, so Gabe got a new basketball hoop, which he thinks is wonderful. It probably helps that we let him play basketball outside all by himself, as long as he stays on the porch (which he's been doing a really good job of doing). Also, it only happens when I'm in the kitchen and can see that he's still on the porch and can hear him yelling when the ball rolls off the porch and he can't go get it.

On Friday, we let Bella get her tips dyed. We only let her do the tips so she can cut it out when she's done with it, although she loves it so much that she may never cut it out. And really, I think it looks really good.

Somehow she is looking really grown up...
Then to add to this week, two of Gabe's daycare ladies left. One hasn't been around too long, but the other one has been taking care of Gabe since he was tiny. Gabe loved her and I consider her a friend. So it makes me really sad to think that she won't be taking care of him anymore.

So yeah. It was quite the week and I was glad to be done. Plus we were trying to prep for another camping trip and get the house ready to show. It was a lot...


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