A Sleepover...

Gabe and Bryson are best friends. It’s adorable. Actually Gabe woke up from his nap yesterday sobbing because he isn’t going to get to see Bryson anymore, but that’s a different story. That’s how life works when you live in two different states....

Anyway, we decided that the boys are big enough to have a sleepover. So Wednesday night Bryson spent the night over here and then Thursday night, Gabe spent the night at Bryson’s house.

We had a great time. We introduced the boys to the ice cream truck, which just happened to come by while we were swimming. (Plus, is there a better way to clean ice cream off your tummy than just jumping in the pool???) We played and swam and ordered pizza and then everyone went to bed at a normal hour, with Gabe in the bed and Bryson on the floor. It was great!

And then things got interesting...

About an hour after we put all three boys down (and Pat had commented that we hadn’t heard a peep from the boys...) Bryson suddenly started sobbing that he missed his mommy. I went in and we snuggled and sang while he cried and Gabe sat on the edge of the bed saying “He misses his mommy.” After a couple of songs, I put Bryson and Gabe both in the bed and snuggled with them while I sang more songs. Everytime I thought he was okay, I’d say something about leaving and he’d start crying so I stayed. Gabe was being very sweet, but I could tell there was a “that’s my mommy” thing going as he was trying to snuggle too, but he also refused to hold still, which wasn’t helping matters. Eventually we put him on the floor in the other room and after more than an hour of snuggling, Bryson was finally calm enough to go to sleep.

Then I went to bed. At about 3, Gabe woke me up sobbing “I’m all alone and it’s dark!” which was reasonable since there wasn’t a nightlight in there. I felt bad that he’s gotten kicked out of his bed and his room, so I moved his bed into Bryson’s room so that they could be together in  the room with a nightlight. I thought about putting him in the bed with Bryson, but since Bryson had had such a rough time sleeping, I didn’t want to mess that up.

Two hours later Gabe was calling again (he normally only calls in the middle of the night if he needs to use the bathroom...). This time he said that his body hurt. I got him some oils. Then he told me that he wanted a bowl of nuts right here in his bed so he could eat them. I told him no and went back to bed.

At 8 I heard noise from the room and went in amd asked what was going on. Both boys looked at me and there was a full two second pause before Gabe said “Nothing.” And so it begins...

So, no one got much sleep, but they had a wonderful time. And I can see them having many more sleepovers in the future...


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