
We made it to Arizona!

Let me back up. Back in January Pat had to pick his vacation days, so he picked the first two weeks of August. We didn’t know where to go or what to do, but we figured that we’d figure something out. Plus, until we knew if Josy was going to show up early, making any plans for anything was hard. Over the last few months we’ve had plenty of ideas about vacation, but with Josy being so little, I just didn’t have the headspace or time to plan something crazy. Plus, right now we only have one income due to the whole maternity leave thing and Josy doesn’t have a passport.

We finally decided that the easiest option was to go to Phoenix and stay at my parents house (even though they’re at our house...). Yes, it does mean that we’re crazy to be here when it’s 115 degrees, but, well, that’s just how it worked out.  After we decided that, Bella decided that she’d rather not come with us. So Friday night we flew her up to stay with a friend for two weeks and Saturday morning the other four of us flew down here.

The flight down was pretty uneventful. Gabe got a flight lesson and Josy charmed all the ladies sitting around us, but I’ve gotten used to my boys being pretty charming...

The last couple of days have been pretty relaxing. We’ve been playing in the pool every morning, which is definitely helping Gabe’s confidence in the water. Josiah got to swim for the first time and it was pretty clear who he’d rather go swimming with...

Yesterday we played at the splash pad with Auntie Katilyn and Bryson. It was only 121 degrees when we got back to the car after that one, so we decided to spend the rest of the day inside...

This morning we went to the Children’s Museum with Bryson and Katilyn. Josy thought the best part was the little boy in the mirror... And now we’re spending the rest of the afternoon resting while the boys nap. I’m pretty sure this is exactly how vacations are supposed to go...


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