
We decided to escape the heat in Phoenix for a bit and head north. Yesterday we drove to Prescott, which was an absolutely adorable little town. We loved it! I didn’t take hardly any pictures, but maybe that’s because the town was too cute to stop and take pictures... We did have lunch at a saloon, although it all went over Gabe’s head. We also went to the museum where Gabe was super excited to say hi to a lizard.

Funny story, we pulled into town and Pat and I start talking about the different things we see and Gabe suddenly announces “Guys. Davey Crockett is dead now.” Um, what? And yes he is...

This morning we got up and headed for Jerome. That was a beautiful drive up through the mountains up to an abandoned mine and a ghost town. Pat and Gabe thought it was wonderful! I thought it was great too, but I don’t have the same obsession with trucks amd equipment... Also, we only let Gabe climb on two vehicles and those were before we saw the sign saying not to.

After wandering the whole abandoned town, we got some lunch and headed to Montezuma’s Castle. Gabe was very sad that we were going to the castle because “the king died.” I’m still not sure he understands that it’s a different kind of castle...

The castle itself was really cool to see. I don’t have much to say about it, except that it’s definitely worth a visit. The park ranger gave Gabe a scavenger hunt, which kept him entertained looking for exciting things like creeks and squirrels. When he brought back the paper, with the news that he couldn’t find a squirrel, she made him a junior ranger and gave him a badge. He was so excited! He insisted on wearing the badge all day.

At dinner a lady gave Gabe a dollar. He got a huge grin on his face and said “now I have money to pay someone!”

And now both boys are having trouble sleeping. I can’t imagine why...


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