
We started out our Thanksgiving Day with something new: Gabe and I ran the Turkey Trot! It was actually his first race ever and he did really good. It was super cold, which was hard, but he got hand warmers that we put in his gloves and that definitely helped. I also thought the race started at 9, not 9:30, so we were there very early. We actually sat in the car for awhile trying to keep warm...

When the race started, we took off running. Gabe didn’t last a long time running until we walked for awhile. I told him to just say the word when he wanted to run again. Apparently he took that literally because a few minutes later he suddenly yelled “RUN!” and took off. He ran for a bit before yelling “WALK!”

By the time we got near the turnaround point, he was definitely getting cold. At one point he told me that “I’m walking really slow because I’m cold.” So once we got around the turnaround cone, I put him on my back and we ran the half mile to the end. I’m pretty sure there’s where my workout was. Running and giving a piggyback ride at the same time is a lot of work...

He was super cold by the time we got to the car. Luckily Pat had the hot chocolate ready as soon as we walked in the door, and that definitely helped him warm up.

I wouldn’t say that’s my best mile time, but it was fun to run the race with one of my favorite little buddies. Maybe I’ll end up with a new running partner???

Once we got home, we did all of the normal Thanksgiving stuff. We cooked dinner, played with friends that came over, talked to family members that weren’t here, and took naps. Well, Josy took a nap. I’m not sure how he slept through the chaos of all the other kids playing, but I finally woke him up from what I think was the longest nap he’s ever taken...

I do have more pictures, but since I try and avoid posting pictures of other people’s kids, you’ll be stuck with these...

It was a lovely Thanksgiving celebration. 

And yes, Josy’s shirt says Happy Thanksgiving 2016. That’s what happens when you’re the little brother...


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