The Things That Come Out of His Mouth...

I asked Gabe to unpack his suitcase...
G: I want you to help me.
M: Okay, can you phrase that a different way?
G: Mom, I don’t want to do it and I don’t feel like it and I want a grownup to do it by themselves.

Needless to say, that did not go the way he wanted it to...


Gram sent Gabe a picture of Gramps with a cannon yesterday. This morning we were driving to school:
G: Was Gramps going to shoot someone with the cannon?
M: No, that cannon was actually used to fight the British in the Revolutionary War.
G: What? Talk louder so I can hear you.
M: The cannon was used to fight the British in the Revolutionary War.
G: Were we fighting the bad guys?
M: We thought we were, but they weren’t really bad guys. It was just a big disagreement.
G: Like we went to England when I was a baby?
M: Yes, but British people aren’t bad guys.
G: Was Gramps fighting the British?

All I could think was “please don’t tell your British friend that she’s a bad guy...”

G: What is a space ranger?
M: It’s like a policeman in outer space.
G: But what does their body look like?
M: Um, Buzz Lightyear never took off his spacesuit.

I had an easier time answering his questions about the Revolutionary War...

G: Mom, have you seen the movie Get Off the Plane?
M: No
G: It was scary. I was on a plane not with you guys but with a mean lady and she jumped off the plane and then she broke it. It was scary. You should not watch that movie.
M (starting to get concerned about where he saw a scary movie): Where did you watch this movie?
G: In my dreams.


Then this morning Gabe was upset with Josiah because his doggie was sleeping and Josiah was not being quiet. Sorry kid, but I’m not going to make the baby be quiet so your stuffed animal can take a nap. It’s bad enough when the rest of us have to whisper so we don’t wake him up...


Oh, and he discovered that he still fits in the jumper...

And just because it’s cute:


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